Tuesday, September 14, 2010

HYLITE Program: Introduction

Starting from Semester-1 up to May 2010 , January 2009, MIDT program of OUM offered the Instructional Design (ID) as the concept by some theories and how to integrate the ID on ICT. The MIDT students have a lot experiences for "the concept" and "how ICT integration" since the MIDT Professor provide some web BLOG (http://ravimidt.ning.com), (http://hmid6303.ning.com/), (http://hpt-midt.wikispaces.com/), and (http://midtsharingspace.blogspot.com) to deliver their course, beside My LMS as the main course.

From many courses provided on MIDT, as a Task Force of HYLITE program, there are two issues could be used on my project with Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) of MONE: module development and ICT utilizations for distance learning mode, or on details:

  1. The modules and guidelines development with the ID rules
  2. The HYLITE web development
  3. The ICT training for lecturers

Let me introduce: what and why is HYLITE Program..

HYLITE (Hybrid Learning for Indonesian Teachers) Programme is an in-service teacher training program, especially designed for primary school teachers in Indonesia, to improve their qualification from Diploma II to Sarjana (S1) level, conducted via open and distance learning mode. It is one of the strategies taken by the Government of Indonesia (GOI), c.q., Ministry of National Education, in providing access for quality education for all, especially for primary school teachers in all areas in Indonesia. It is designed for primary school teachers aiming to especially upgrade their competencies and qualification through a continuing process of education with a lifelong learning spirit.

Specifically, the HYLITE Program is an innovative program of the GOI to overcome the issue of scarcity of quality primary school teachers, especially through implementation of open and distance learning and the extensive use of ICT (and e-learning).

HYLITE has been designed as an ICT-based ODL, which is perceived to considerably suit the need of GOI to provide access to massive, rapid and quality in-service teacher trainings regardless of geographical, time, or economical constraints. The advancement of ICT and the availability of ICT networks at the national level have provided and added point to the possibility of offering ICT-based in-service teachers training program. In 2007, GOI has set up the National Education Network (Jardiknas) reaching up to 417 districts across Indonesia. Furthermore, there is also Indonesian Higher Education Network (INHERENT) which was established since 2005, a backbone which at present puts about 87 higher education institutions together through an intranet across Indonesia.

Although it is realized that the capacity of the conventional teachers colleges to offer face-to-face in campus teachers education maybe relatively limited, with the development of ICT, they are highly potential or has the capacity to offer open and distance learning program, provided that they are equipped with the necessary structure, infrastructures and ICT facilities, or the so-called ICT-based ODL. Given the opportunity, collaboration among several teacher colleges will provide a larger collective capacity to accelerate the improvement of teachers quality via ICT-based ODL in-service training program. Further, a collaborative program for in-service teacher training has been perceived more cost efficient, especially when several teacher colleges can share the development and production process for an ODL program.

Based on the above-mentioned considerations, on January 5, 2007 the GOI then launched the consortium of 10 teachers colleges to offer a collaborative in-service primary school teachers training program via ICT-based open and distance learning mode. The membership of the consortium was widened on April 19, 2007, when the GOI decided to open opportunities to additional 13 teachers colleges across Indonesia to offer ICT-based ODL program for in-service teacher training. At present, there are 23 universities offering HYLITE Program.

I can say that the HYLITE program are:

  1. The national program on distance learning mode with ICT-based (hybrid learning)
  2. The program is for Elementary School teachers (with minimum ICT skills)
  3. The selected providers are 23 universities as the consortium
  4. The consortium use the same modules, practicum, tutorial format and examination

The first work of the HYLITE program, the Task Force of Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) of MONE working together with 23 Universities. I am, as a SEAMOLEC staff (my office, a Center of Regional Open Learning in Southeast Asian countries) invited by DGHE for the Task Force Member on (start on 2006 up to now).

On 2007, some modules has already developed and used for by the 23 Consortium. But, due to the minimum working time to finish the modules writing, the modules are still need to be improved by making a supplement and provide non printed of learning materials, such as Audio, Video, CAI, and web-based. The focus of the supplements and non printed modules is should be ready for distance learning mode.

Starting 2009, when I joined as the MIDT students, I am working on the HYLITE program as a member of HYLITE Task Force, with the main task (1) to facilitate the development of new module and the supplements, (2) to maintain the HYILTE web, (3) facilitate ICT training for lectures.

The three points of my works as the Task Force of HYLITE program will offer on the next page.

Please visit my Center, SEAMOLEC: http://seamolec.org

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