Saturday, September 18, 2010

SEAMOLEC - MIDT: My Center - My Study

MIDT: My Window to be an Instructional Designer

The Master of Instructional Design and Technology (MIDT), is a purely online Masters program that has been designed to cater to my needs as to be an instructional designer. The program is available to me to throughout the world, and it capitalizes on the best academic staff, up-to-date teaching and learning pedagogy, and varied learning resources. As such, this program brought together geographically, culturally, and professionally diverse communities, in Internet-mediated sessions.

The innovative online version of the degree includes the core principles of instructional design and technology, a functional analysis of computers and e-learning, applications of technology-supported curricular tools, telecommunications, global learning and cross-cultural literacy, applications of hypermedia, and emerging trends in technologies all encased in a dynamic online learning environment. MIDT students broke the barriers of classroom walls with electronic networking.

Cutting-edge online pedagogical strategies infused into every course to foster collaboration, interaction and a sense of belonging to a learning community. The curriculum consisted of the state-of-the-art coursework and where necessary internships arranged to enable students to analyze performance problems and provide solutions using a systematic and systemic method. MIDT students connected to a powerful online learning management facility, which has a robust and proven online communication system.

An international faculty has been chosen based on their excellent online track records enabling the emergence of caring communities to support individual transformation. Connecting with the larger professional community, working on meaningful projects in collaboration with peers and faculty, and reflecting on those experiences, all enable students to construct deeper understandings of subject matter than in traditional graduate settings. Enrollment into the program limited to ensure every student acquires the quality interaction that is needed in an online learning environment. Though there are no required face-to-face meetings, opportunities for such meetings provided throughout the program.

MIDT: What I Have know.............

  1. The courses have been designed to suit the ever changing my needs, yet maintaining the distinctive features of the program.
  2. I interacted with a group of internationally recognized faculty, mostly having more than 20 years of teaching experience in these areas.
  3. I engaged in a diverse learning community environment, one that is needed in a Globalised World.
  4. As the MIDT graduate, I optimize to be a successful careers as professional of instructional design.
  5. Most of learning activities are customized to fit my practice so tasks integrated with the real my daily work.
  6. I used the powerful tool of action research to plan, execute, and reflect on improvements to my practices.
  7. I met educational technology innovators and learned to build presentation and networking skills.
  8. I presented my work at a public exhibition sharing my new knowledge and voice with colleagues.
  9. I will continue to interact after graduation forming lasting friendships and ongoing professional networks.
  10. Since there were no required face-to-face meetings, I controlled when and where I learned, usually at home or work.

MIDT: The Implementation in my Center (SEAMOLEC)

SEAMOLEC is Regional Center of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in Southeast Asian countries with the "capacity building of the development of ODL" is the main program. The program such as: Research, Training, IT Development and Consulting Services on ODL for any level education.

My MIDT has implemented for some activities and programs, mainly as the resource person of ICT training and speakers on national/international seminar (the activities is written on my CV).

My Activities on 2009/2010:

province, Indonesia.

2. National seminar on "ICT Integration on Teaching and Learning". With the same topics on "e-Learning: Are we Ready" for Riau and Jambi province (Sumatra), Indonesia.

3. International ICT training on "Mobile Game-based Learning" for Hanoi Open Univers
ity of Vietnam and national University of Lao PDR. My session of the training is "ICT in Instruction".

4. Coordinator program for North Sumatra province on "Seamless Vocational Oriented Education". One year program (Diploma-1) for Vocational Schools students with hybrid learning, face to face (practices) and online learning (theories). The program is designed to make the students ready for working (professional) and be a entrepreneur. (My Blog)


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